Can you clarify the issue you are having with the form?
You can follow the steps below or refer to this help article to complete Form 8862 in TurboTax:
- Open or continue your return.
- Navigate to Form 8862:
- TurboTax Online/Mobile: Go to Form 8862.
- TurboTax Desktop: Search for Form 8862 and select the Jump to link.
- You'll come to the Earned Income Credit section. Select Continue.
- Answer the questions. When you get to, Do any of these uncommon situations apply? check the box that says, I got a notice from the IRS saying that Form 8862 is required for the Earned Income Tax Credit.
- Select Continue and then Done.
- On the Since you got an IRS notice, we need to check on a few things screen, select No, none of these apply and I need to fill out the 8862 form.
- Select Continue.
- Answer the remaining questions.
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