If the trustee for the first HSA sent your money directly to the second HSA, then, technically, this is not a rollover. See page 4 in the 8889 Instructions.
Indeed, if it were a trustee-to-trustee transfer, they should not have even sent you a 1099-SA. See page 1 of the 1099-SA Instructions.
Did you say that you received two 1099-SAs for each HSA? For a total of 4? Was it two for the first HSA and two for the second?
Please tell me what the distribution code was in each of these 1099-SAs (there is no distribution code for a transfer nor for a rollover)?
If this was a trustee-to-trustee transfer, then do 2 things:
Copy this answer (and preserve the links) to Word or something, and
Don't enter the 1099-SAs at all
Anyway, read this response and see if it matches your situation.
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