Not be flippant or to state the obvious, but if it had would I still be asking? You're last comment added no value, didn't help me or anyone else, and was passive/aggressive or just asinine.
If you don't like my question for whatever reason, simply don't answer it.
I'm just looking for some help and not trying to cause any undue hardship to you.
I just joined this forum today and am new to it and I thought the intent was to be a helpful community. I did look at another question (several other actually)and clearly didn't get the clarity I was seeking as they either focused on other issues or weren't specific to my situation or still left some ambiguity in my mind. If my asking a question too similar to another created an undue burden for you, my deepest apologies for violating the sanctity of your sacred forum, and I'll go elsewhere to another venue that more forgiving to those seeking assistance, with contributors looking to help and fewer trolls.