We can help you file
Form 8862. Follow these steps to add it to your taxes.
- Sign into your TurboTax
account and click the big, orange Continue your return button.
- Click Search in the upper right-hand
corner and search for Form 8862.
- Select the first result: Jump to 8862.
Now you are at the
beginning of the Earned Income Credit.
- Continue on the first two screens and stop
when you see Do any of these uncommon situations
- Check the box that says,
"I got an IRS notice saying that I can only claim the Earned Income
Credit if I file an 8862" and Continue.
- Select Done, but hang on, there are a
few more steps to go.
- Answer the question about
your IRS notice. Select No to file 8862.
- You made it to 8862! Fill it
out and we'll help you file it when you're ready.