Here is an excerpt from the IT-40 Full Year Resident Individual Income Tax Booklet for Indiana explaining what county to use for military filers. The information can be found on page 51 of the 2024 document:
Military Personnel
If you were stationed in Indiana, your county of residence is the county where you lived on Jan. 1 of the year you entered the military service. If, on Jan. 1, 2024, you were single and stationed outside Indiana, or you were stationed outside Indiana and your family was with you, write county code “00” (out-of-state) in all the county boxes on Form IT-40 (you won’t owe a county tax).
If, however, you maintained your home in an Indiana county and/or your spouse and family were still living in an Indiana county on Jan. 1, 2024, you are considered to be a resident of that county and will be subject to county tax.
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