If your State return is showing as incomplete it may be due to your state forms not yet being available. Please see the state forms availability table below to see if all your State tax forms are available:
Additionally, in order to e-file your State tax return your federal return must be e-filed and accepted first.
Once your state forms are ready, you have e-filed your Federal tax return and it has been accepted, return to the program to file your State return:
- Select State Taxes at the top of the program screen.
- Continue through the State interview to complete the state return.
- Select File at the top of the program screen. Follow through the File interview until you are in the state section for e-filing the return by selecting the Transmit Return button.
- Select Visit My Tax Timeline.
- Under Some Things You Can Do select Amend (change) return.
- Select Amend my return (you aren't really amending here, just getting back into the program).
- Select the File tab and go through the prompts to file your state return.