TurboTax doesn't have your Fidelity financial information unless you enter it or import it. You can view you entered and imported financial information in TurboTax.
To view or update information you imported in TurboTax Online from Fidelity:
- Sign into your TurboTax account.
- Select Pick up where I left off or Continue.
- Select Federal then Wages & Income from the left side menu.
- On the Wages and income screen, scroll down to Investments and Savings (1099-B, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, Crypto) and select Review. (If you imported 1099-R information, scroll down to IRA, 401(k), Pension Plan Withdrawals (1099-R) and select Add/Edit).
- On the Your investment and savings screen, you should see all your imported financial data.
- Continue with the onscreen interview until complete.
Changing information you imported can be problematic.
- For example, if you're audited you'd have to explain why the numbers on your return differ from the original data source. If you must update or delete items, be sure to keep detailed notes with your tax records.
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