I have setup After-Tax Backdoor Roth conversion as part of my employer's 401K plan. The W2 form issued by my employer has AFTAX entry in the Box 14 and it considers amount deducted as part of 2023 payroll from Jan to Dec. The 1099-R form issued by Fidelity has an incorrect Gross distribution amount in Box 1 as it considers Dec 2022 After-Tax amount(deposited in Jan 2023) and ignores Dec 2023 After-Tax amount(deposited in Jan2024). The Taxable amount in box 2a is zero and the Distribution code in Box 7 is G.
Now while filing taxes which amount should I report? Should I just enter both as-is and Turbo Tax will be handle it or is this an issue and should I get a corrected form from Fidelity? Since this is a After-Tax conversion I'm assuming there is no tax liability and this will not be reported in the Tax returns?