So my father passed and his apartents were sold. WE the benificiaires will be getting the k 1 form. I do not have a problem with this but I do have a big concern with giving my social security number. , my sister who is the estate trustee, the manager of a tax place, and does simple taxes for low income people who needs my social security number has done some shady things in the past with getting into personal accounts with other family members. Is there another number I can use and give rather than my social security number. I do not want my social security number in her tax office because of what she has done in the past. This is a tough one. 2ndly my dad has another rental where my disabled sister lives and she pays a small amount of rent. Now me and three other sisters will have to do the K-1 every year, so I have to give my ssnumber every year again. Any insight is appreciated.