The estimated calculator from TurboTax was recently updated. Use our calculator any maybe run a comparison using another online version via a Google search for 2018 estimated tax payment calculator.
Click the link below to get started.
You may also calculate your estimated taxes from within the TurboTax software as well as prepare 1040-ES payment vouchers by following these TurboTax FAQ steps:
- "With your tax return open, search for 1040-es (be sure to include the dash) and select the “Jump to” link.
- Answer No to the question, Do you want to change your W-4 withholdings for 2018?
- On the next screen, Review Your Estimates, select Review Now.
- Proceed through the interview, answering questions about your 2018 filing status, income, deductions, etc.
- Eventually, you'll come to the Print Vouchers screen; answer Yes and we'll include your 2018 1040-ES payment vouchers when you print a copy of your return later.
Rest assured that TurboTax 2017 uses the 2018 tax rates recently passed by Congress and signed into law when calculating your 2018 estimated taxes."
[Edited 3.19.18 | 1:20 PM]