Yes. This can be filed electronically if you have all the information correct on a 4852, including the payer's EIN. Without an EIN, the return cannot be filed electronically. Here is how to report.
- Open or continue your return.
- In the Federal section, select Wages & Income.
- Scroll to locate Retirement Plans and Social Security.
- Select Start or Revisit next to IRA, 401(k), Pension Plan Withdrawals (1099-R)Or Social Security ( SSA 1099, RRB 1099)
- Next report the income and information required as if you received the 1099R
- After reporting the income in the form, there will be follow-up information to fill out.
- One screen that will appear asking you 'Do Any of These Situations Apply to you"
- Here is where you indicate you need to file a substitute 1099R, which is the same as a 4852.
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