I have a long-term capital loss carryover for California that I stopped using/claiming when I moved out of state some years ago. Fast-forward to now and my wife has capital gains from California that it seems could be offset by that carried over loss. Given that I haven't been using the loss since my income is out-of-state, is there a correct way to resume claiming it again? The additional wrinkle is that my wife has had income in CA that could have been offset by this loss in the last few of years. Given that, my two questions would be:
1. Can I resume claiming a capital loss carryover in CA after about a decade of not claiming it? (since I had no state income to deduct it from) and
2. Given that my wife has had CA income for the last ~5 years (ie not the whole time I haven't been claiming it) would I need to file multiple years of amended CA returns to begin claiming it?