Keep track of your mileage. Keep track of your out of pocket expenses.
The major problem I see with side gig filers is they do not track expenses and then are surprised to learn that in general, there is a 15.3 percent Self Employment Tax on the Schedule C profit.
The signage and flyers and supplies for a farmer's market gig add up.
Keep a file folder and throw receipts in it.
Set aside a time each month (for example, third Sunday from 3 to 5 PM) and collate the receipts on a cover sheet. This is your monthly board meeting; you are running a business.
There are apps that will help you track mileage.
Put in your calendar for Decenber 27 through 31 of each year to take a picture of your vehicle odometer.
It shows competence when the tax return has the beginning and ending mileage of the vehicle and then we can breakdown between business use and personal miles.
Thank you for teaching and providing fresh food; it makes the world a better place.