Thanks for using TurboTax,
It may very well be the EIN number that is on your W-2, but that does not mean it is what the IRS has in their data base. Your employer or their payroll service could have made an error in their entry. Please review all of the information below.
This type of rejection occurs when the Employer Identification Number (EIN) differs from what the IRS has in its database. To correct this:
Open your return in TurboTax.
- In the search box type: W-2
- click on Jump to W-2
- On the W-2 summary screen, click Edit next to each W-2 on the return
and make sure the EIN in Box b exactly matches what's on your W-2 form.
If not, make the correction.
- Next, make sure the info in the Employer's Name and Address fields match your paper W-2. If not, make the correction.
If you were able to correct the return with the information above, you can now re-transmit the return.
related thread: this helps