How do I report my Canadian investments (TFSA) for my US Federal and California State tax returns? in Investors & landlords
I paid federal and state fee 2times. One is directly from my tax return, other one is from my Visa card. I chose credit card option and paid it. Can I get my money back? in After you file
The Nebraska State return, in a list of possible deductions, shows Civil Service Annuity which I receive (since June 2013). When did that Nebraska tax deduction start? in Retirement tax questions
One of the fields on the federal return states that I should not enter 0 but what was reported to the IRS is 0 and I can't proceed through the software. What should I do? in Retirement tax questions
The "instructions" to amend State Return are confusing. After clearly indicating only a state return needs to be amended, steps take me to amend the Federal Return? in After you file