Yes, if you entered an amount directly into the HSA contribution section, here is how to navigate back to it and fix it in TurboTax online:
- Click on Federal Taxes, Deduction & Credits
- Choose "add/edit" HSA, MSA Contributions
- You will see a page titled "Your HSA Summary" which will show any deductions already computed from your W-2
- Choose Edit, Check the box for HSA, Continue
- You'll now see a screen that says "Here's what we have so far"
- Choose done and continue until you get to a screen that says "Let's enter your HSA contributions"
- In the box "Any contributions you personally made (not through your employer)" you can adjust as necessary.
If there was an error in the W-2 HSA deductions (summary from Step 3 above), revisit your W-2 input. Here's how to do that in TurboTax Online:
- Navigate to Federal Taxes, Wages & Income, Job (W-2), Add/Edit
- On the next page select the W-2 has the local tax showing up on state, using the pencil icon
- Continue through information about company
- Then, correct the HSA entry located in Box 12, Code W on the screen "Now let's update the rest"