If you're using TurboTax for Windows, you may may experience Error: 567809 or 102348 when attempting to save your tax file.
Reasons you might encounter this error include:
The file may be corrupted.
Saving a new file successfully without the error is typically a key identifier that you have a problem with the original file.
Making a copy of the file in a different location may work, but in most cases it doesn't. Starting over with a new file resolves this error.
The location you are saving to has either moved, does not exist, or is corrupted.
This can happen if the location you typically save to has been removed. If the folder ended up in the Recycle Bin and hasn't been emptied you can restore the location. You can also save to a new location (for example, the desktop).
You may not have Read/Write access privileges to the location you're attempting to save to.
The main cause of not having read/write access is not being logged in as the admin user of the computer.
If you're saving to a removable drive, it could be set to read only. If that's the case, you'll need to set the removable drive to read/write access.