If you have NOT electronically filed, then you can change your direct deposit information. Go to the File tab -> select Step 2 -> and follow the prompts and you will be able to change your choice of refund (screenshot below).
Note: Some users were having problems with changing bank information from transferred returns. I have included an article below - if you are having similar problems, follow the advice in that article.
If you have already filed your return, then you will only be able to change it (use the steps above) if your return comes back rejected. If your return gets accepted by the IRS, then refund method cannot be changed and the IRS will attempt to deposit to the bank on your return. If this bank account is closed or IRS is unable to deposit it, then they will convert your refund to a paper check and send it to your address on your tax return.
If you don't already know if your return was accepted or rejected, you will know within 48 hours of Monday, Jan 23rd, so keep an eye on your email.