After completing my taxes, TurboTax asked for some comments and suggestions to improve the product. I had documented about 7 suggestions during the process but could only enter one in the little popup box, so here are my suggestions:
- I was presented with a list of 1099s transferred from my 2023 return, all showing an amount of $0.00. Why do these show up when I have to import them again and delete all of the $0.00 ones?
- After importing everything I had a long list of 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, and capital gains, including several blank ones at the bottom of the list. When I tried to delete one of the blank ones, the list turned gray but nothing happened. I had to scroll up to the top of the list to view the confirmation message to acknowledge and delete the blank entry. The message should appear where I was working instead of at the top of the list.
- When reviewing the imported 1099s, the first question is "Who does this belong to?" but the question does not show any amount. It would be helpful to display the form or the amount before asking the question.
- When entering business expenses for Schedule C, there is a field at the bottom for "Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings." If an amount of $0.00 is entered in this field instead of leaving it blank, the error check reports that Form7205 must be sent manually. I suggest this message should only appear of the amount is non-zero.
- In "Other Tax Situations" there is a line that says "2023 Tax Liability for 2210 purposes." What does this mean and what should it say?
- When entering E-file Federal Taxes, there is a link for "Need to print for review" which brings up a TurboTax Help article for "How do I file my return by mail" instead of a dialog to print the return for review before filing.
- When entering the information to pay federal taxes by withdrawing from a bank account, there is a field to enter the withdrawal date. There are no date format guidelines but entering the date information as mm/dd/yy results in an incorrect date error - the only acceptable format is mm/dd/yyyy.