Hello@Opus 17.Thanks for the clarification.I am relieved that, no changes are needed for this tax year. I was doing the calculations based on enrollment date, b...
Thanks@dmertzfor clarification.I found another article explaining same thing.https://thefinancebuff.com/deduct-and-convert-save-hundreds-in-state-income-tax-on-...
yes, we have more than 12k worth of earned income.@dmertz how can I achieve, what you mentioned today morning's post ? I mean,2022 year has already passed. So i...
I understood.Sorry, I was not able to explain myself clearly.I want to have Savers Credit and avoid State Tax on my t-ira contributions and move money to ROTH. ...
Thanks@dmertzI did not understand your point.Even if either of us made T-IRA contribution or recharacterization, in year 2023 - there will be one conversion of ...