Thanks. Since I sold interest in three partnerships last year, do I need to list the company on the Form 4797 or is the verbiage "From K-1" acceptible from all ...
Thank you for your help. I have a few follow-up questions below for clarification about entries in the K-1 questions.1. Even though I made a few outright purcha...
Perhaps related or unrelated to stock sales, I did sell some units of this PTP last year. In one transaction of several, a sales schedule with the K-1 reflects ...
Thanks Dave. The foreign income and foreign income tax info will be on documents from the stock broker. I had 2-3 stocks with foreign taxes deducted. The K-1 ha...
The publicly-traded partnerships that indicate a K-3 is included will not have them available until July. I am not a big investor, not even five figures. I don'...