I am not in the ERS department as far as I know. Just trying to get clarification of how the credit is calculated for the LookBack EIC and ACTC using 2019 incom...
This is still a very confusing statement, and I apologize that I am not understanding the wording. I did in fact let the software populate this figure because T...
I need more information on this "Look Back" option and how it then calculated and populated my credit of EIC for 2020 Taxes. It APPEARS as if my 2019 ACTUAL EIC...
Actually, my perception was that the WMR wouldn't update for PATH until Feb 22nd. Yesterday, many got DDD that were PATH, including some who filed and were acce...
People have already begun being accepted by IRS as part of a test batch. How long after confirming via WMR, TT email and text will the advance be deposited?