Dear Forum, on a 1040 I have standard deductions totaling $34069, but the Turbotax Deluxe program is only taking the standard deduction of $30700. I found a sol...
Thanks for your response.I have had an on-going problem with logging into Ttax 2019 since inception. Twice in 2020, over several months, I had extensive problem...
I added the Schedule C to the 1040X, not the original return. The income was correct on Column 1 of 1040X, but not the deductions, nor the tax refund.I am not a...
I made no changes to the original return before starting the 1040X. I have done at least 100 1040Xs, and never had this problem. The program did not work correc...
But The $35000 straight line depreciation is already taken into account in the basis of the property. If there is 0 accelerated depreciation, there should be ze...