If your Refund is different than last year, I would highly recommend you compare this year's Tax Return to last year's Tax Return line by line to pinpoint any differences. Doing this may help you find a mistake or help you see exactly what is causing your refund to different this year. Also, double check your input to make sure everything has been entered correctly in TurboTax.
There are many reasons that your refund could be different than last year. Some of the most common reasons include:
- Your Income Increased or Decreased
- Your Federal and/or State Tax Withholding as a Percentage of Income increased or decreased
- You deferred more or less income into your Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan or Flexible Savings Plan
- You have a type of income in one year you didn't have in the other (Capital Gains, Dividends, Interest, 401(k) Distribution, Etc.)
- You qualified for a Tax Credit in one year but not the other
- You deleted or added a Dependent or your Dependent reached the age of 17 during the year
- You changed your Filing Status
- If you Itemize, your Itemized Deductions were higher or lower this year compared to last year
Check out the TurboTax FAQ below for more information regarding a change in your refund from prior years: