IF the brokerage you deal with offers an importable 1099-B set, you have to initiate it yourself, from within the TTX software on the Wages&Income page. That would include the main 1099-B/8949, the 1099-INT, 1099-DIV , and occasionally a 1099-R or a 1099-OID.
As far as the "Supplemental" data sheets are concerned, those take various formats and are not available in a form that the tax software can read (no vendor's tax software can directly read those extra sheets). SO any details you "might" need to include in the tax software, it needs to be supplied by you, reading those sheets yourself...either from the PDF the brokerage gives you, or a printout on paper they may supply.
____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*