Best to not do online. Pricing is higher. Best savings on tax prep is to buy Home & Bus, got mine cheapest with free shipping from Target, about $70, and mail in the state forms. Typically your state is less of a refund than the other and you can wait.
TurboTax jacks your online rate to pay when you have a self employment and 'special' credits such as education or K-1's from S-corps. Schedule C is a big one. Online it'll add up to about $120 by the time all the 'upgrades' are done that they require and only includes Fed efiling, state at that point is then $49 to efile when the software version is only $20. Is very similar to going to H&R Block. Every special form is a fee and adds up quickly. Everyone says "free, free, free, free", but only if you are a EZ filer.