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Earning income driving for Lyft is self-employment income
If you earned less than $400 in net income (income less expenses) working for Lyft, and earned no other income in 2017, you are not required to file a return.
If you otherwise earned enough to file a return, you must report your self-employment income, no matter how small.
To enter business income and expenses:
Type in schedule c in the search box, top right of your screen,
Hit the Enter key
Click jump to schedule c in the search results
Arrive at Your 2017 self-employed work summary page
Click the Edit button
Arrive at the Here’s your info page
Click the Add income for this work button
Follow the prompts and online instructions
To enter expenses:
On the Here’s your info page
Clock the Add expenses for this work button
Arrive at the Tell us about any expenses page
Make sure you are past the blue Pick up where I left off button before you enter the above
If you have previously entered business information, follow the above progression. If not, begin by entering Schedule C in the search box, and follow all prompts and instructions to navigate to the Tell us about any expenses and Add income for this work pages.
Earning income driving for Lyft is self-employment income
If you earned less than $400 in net income (income less expenses) working for Lyft, and earned no other income in 2017, you are not required to file a return.
If you otherwise earned enough to file a return, you must report your self-employment income, no matter how small.
To enter business income and expenses:
Type in schedule c in the search box, top right of your screen,
Hit the Enter key
Click jump to schedule c in the search results
Arrive at Your 2017 self-employed work summary page
Click the Edit button
Arrive at the Here’s your info page
Click the Add income for this work button
Follow the prompts and online instructions
To enter expenses:
On the Here’s your info page
Clock the Add expenses for this work button
Arrive at the Tell us about any expenses page
Make sure you are past the blue Pick up where I left off button before you enter the above
If you have previously entered business information, follow the above progression. If not, begin by entering Schedule C in the search box, and follow all prompts and instructions to navigate to the Tell us about any expenses and Add income for this work pages.
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