I moved to CA from Missouri for a 1-year temporary work/internship in March 2023, with employer-provided housing. For 2023 taxes, I paid both CA and MO taxes as I worked in both states during the year. I renewed my internship position in March 2024 and continued to live/work in CA the entire year. I have no income from MO in 2024, but my permanent address/docile is still my parent's home in MO. My DL, car, insurance, voter registration, and mail are all based in MO for the entirety of 2024. From my understanding, I need to file taxes for both CA and MO.
According to the facts and circumstances test, I would be considered a resident of MO. But as for CA, since I worked and lived entirely here, am I considered a full-year resident or part-year resident? Do I still need to complete the California Nonresident or Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return (Form 540NR)?