The adoption tax benefits provide an incentive for individuals or families to adopt an eligible child. The 2023 maximum dollar amount per eligible child is $15,950. If your expenses were spread over multiple years, you might be able to spread the credit over multiple tax returns.
To enter the expenses in TurboTax:
- Open or continue your return if it isn't already open.
- Search for adoption credit and select the Jump to link, or find it in the list under Deductions and Credits, You and Your Family.
- On the "Did you pay any adoption expenses in 2023 or earlier?" or the "Credit for Adoption Expenses" screen, read the information and, if you qualify, answer Yes. This includes carryovers from prior years.
- Continue answering questions until the section is completed.
You can get the carryover amount from Line 13 of last year's Form 8839.
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