will not open on windows 11 IE in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
Hello! I am not able to install last years return to this years return. TurboTax says that it is having difficulty extracting that info. I downloaded 2024 from Amazon. in After you file
I cannot find license code anywhere. I paid $10.84 for TURBOTAX DESKTOP INSTALL ONLY CD TAX YEAR 2024 INDIVIDUAL. I downloaded Turbox Tax 2024 on PC but I cannot enter. in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
Hi there, I'm trying to download my 2017 and 2015 tax return documents and they are not available. The TurboTax chat bot won't connect me to a person for help. in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
I am trying do download 1099-B info from Wells Fargo Adviisors, but am not getting thru. I am able to log in using the same username and password to my account, but Turbotax isn't connecting..I really don't want to put it in manually : in Get your taxes done using TurboTax