The 1095-A is issued by the marketplace to show you had insurance and to evaluate the discount you may have received.
- Did you have a marketplace health insurance plan?
- "If you have not received your Form 1095-A or you received an incorrect 1095-A, you should contact the Marketplace from which you received coverage."
- "If you receive a corrected or voided Form 1095-A, you may need to amend your return. For more information on what you need to do with a corrected or voided Form 1095-A, see Corrected, Incorrect or Voided Forms 1095-A. This information can help you assess whether you should file an amended tax return."
- Please see Health Insurance Marketplace Statements
To enter a 1095-A in TurboTax, you can follow these steps
- Select Tax Tools
- Tip: You may have to minimize the Federal and State tabs to see Tools.
- On the drop-down select Tools
- There will be 4 green boxes
- Select Topics Search
- Type the 1095-A
- Continue through the questions and it will be posted to your return.
On the 1095-A, you should not enter "0" zeros. This will cause a Review Error. Simply leave the area blank.
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