If your extension payment did not automatically show up on your 1040 or state return you need to enter it. So make sure it's not already there before you enter it!
For 2023 Federal Extension payments should be on scheduled 3 line 10. And go to 1040 line 31.
You can type estimates paid in the search box at the top of your return and click Find and it will give you a link to Jump To the screen where you enter Extension Payments.
To enter the amount you paid with an extension (including state extension) go to
Federal Taxes (or Personal for desktop H&B version)
Deductions and Credits
Then scroll way down to Estimates and Other Taxes Paid
Other Income Taxes - Click the Start or Update button
Next page second section Payments with Extension
Either Visit All or Click Start or Update by the extension you paid
Pay attention to which year you are entering for a State Extension payment. A prior year state extension payment is also deductible on the federal return so be sure to enter it here.