If you are using Free Edition, then to enter a W-2G, you would have to upgrade from Free Edition to Deluxe.
OR you could wait until mid-January when another product FREEDOM Edition opens up. It can handle a W-2G and all the forms that regular Free Edition cannot handle. It is free for Federal and State, but you have to meet one of the qualifications. We can tell you more about that, if interested.
To enter a W-2G follow these steps. If you try this from Free Edition, it will probably tell you to upgrade.
- Log in and open your return. ("Take me to my return.")
- Once the return is open and past the blue-green screen, click at the top on SEARCH.
- Enter W2G without quotes, and click the magnifying glass icon.
- Then choose "Jump to W2G."
- Next screen should say "Gambling winnings."