I was expecting to pay $69.00 to get my taxes done but got stumped on a question so I clicked on the live chat button for help and the assistant asked for my telephone number to call and discuss it. Problem was, he never mentioned that would automatically upgrade me so now I would have to pay $139.00 plus tax to finish my taxes and file. My Son recommended TurboTax but I can't wait to tell him of the incident I just went through. They may have lost more than just me as a customer as his gf and other friends will be sure to heat about this little prank. And no TurboTax I did not notice the little symbol changed in the upper left corner when I clicked to chat. No wonder the guy was in such a hurry to give me a call, he obviously gets extra commission to get someone to fall for this and once he made the call he couldn't wait to get me off the line and sucker in someone else. Lesson learned, never again and can't wait until my Son reads this!