What version are you using?
If you are using TurboTax Online - clear your cache and cookies
If you are using desktop - - delete the supporting details for the expense - see below.
You may have supporting forms from last year in there preventing you from entering this year's data. Sometimes (if you transferred in a previous year's tax return), a $0 gets stuck on line items that had supporting detail information attached and you can't edit it. You can into Forms mode and erase that detail or fix it from the interview mode. When you click on EDIT next to the medical expense entry spot and see a $0 that you can't edit, there are 2 things you can do:
- Double click (or right click) in the field and use the Red X (Remove) to remove the supporting details worksheet. or
- Go to the top Edit menu (Windows versions only) and choose Add Supporting Details. Then click on the Red X (Remove) at the top.
Either one of these should allow you to enter your expenses.

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