"Do I need to wait for this percentage nonresident form?"
I am not sure what this statement is saying. Were you a "resident" of both CA and MO during 2016? "Resident" doesn't really mean where you sleep at night. If you were a CA resident before you moved, if you never really established "residency" in MO because you intended to move back to CA after the training was completed, (evidence of this could be you owned a home in CA that you didn't sell, you kept your CA driver's license while in MO, you voted using your CA address, etc.), then you were a CA resident for the entire year. If you were a CA resident before the move but didn't really intend to move back to CA and established residency in MO, (evidence of this could be you sold your CA house and bought a MO house, you got an MO driver's license, voted in MO, etc.), then you were a part year CA resident and a part year MO resident.
If you were a part year resident in both states then you'd file part-year resident income tax returns in both states, declaring your income while you were a resident of CA on the CA income tax return and declaring your income while you were a resident of MO on the MO income tax return. If you were a resident of California for the entire year then you'd file a non-resident MO income tax return, declaring only your "MO-sourced" income, then you'd prepare a CA resident income tax return, declaring your "world wide" income, but taking a tax credit for taxes paid to MO.
As to the "HSA" aspect, I couldn't really say. It would be helpful to know WHAT forms TurboTax thinks you need. I know nothing about MO income taxes, but maybe MO "conforms" to the federal HSA income tax treatment, while CA income taxes, with which I'm abundantly familiar, absolutely does NOT "conform" the the federal HSA income tax treatment. Maybe that has something to do with why you have to wait? Just a guess.
Tom Young