I have called TT, but still no resolution for the following:
I realized in 2025 that I only received half of my 2024 RMD from one financial institution.
I have entered my 1099-R (I have uploaded 1099-R from financial institution, and even deleted that and manually entered the 1099-R and I still am having issues.)
When I get to the part about telling TT more about this particular distribution, I put down that I received $ xx.xx and it asks what the actual total RMD should have been and I put the the amount (which is double what I received), $XX.XX.
Then I select, "Yes, corrective distribution of the shortfall amount was made within window." (Because I will be requesting financial institution to send the balance of my 2024 RMD to me in Feb. 2025.)
It asks if I'd like to complete a waiver to reduce my taxes due and I select yes, include the amount of the 2024 RMD balance that I will be receiving in Feb. 2025 (which, incidentally, does not allow me to include the CENTS with the dollars and that skews the total amount of my RMD reported to the IRS.)
All that goes fairly well (with the exception of TT not allowing me to keep the CENTS when adding in the dollar amounts.
At the end when TT reviews my Federal return, it gets stuck in a loop by constantly asking me the same questions that TT sees as errors. It says, "Correction window should not be checked here for an IRA. Select NO entry." (First, this is incorrect, because I will indeed be taking out the balance of the 2024 RMD within the correction window. Even so, whether I check "No Entry," "Correction - Yes," or even the last option, "Correction - No," I keep coming back to this same error message. It's a constant loop with no resolution.
I believe this is a TT software issue and I spoke to two TT representatives yesterday, one of whom was supposed to call me back today and never did.
I am about to give up on TT and file these on my own without paying TT. The error message loop needs to be fixed and I should be allowed to add the CENTS to my RMD dollar amounts so my numbers exactly match the numbers from my financial institution and being reported to the IRS.
Appreciate some assistance on these issues. Thanks!