You need to put them in separately. Each gets its own entry under Retirement Income. To input each one,
First, go back to the Pick up where I left off page or Take me to my return.
Go to Income.
Select I'll choose what I work on.
Go to Retirement Plans and Social Security.
Click Update by IRA, 401(k), Pension Plans (1099-R).
Click on the + Add another 1099-R.
Click on I'll type it in myself.
On the Tell us which 1099-R you have, choose Form 1099-R, withdrawal of money from 401(k) retirement plans, pensions, IRAs, etc.
Enter the information EXACTLY as it's printed on your 1099-R.
When you get to box 7, click the Learn More to see what to do if there's more than one code. This entry tells the IRS if it's taxable.
Finish filling out the state info.
Answer the Were You Employed as a Public Safety Employee? question.
Answer the Any Periodic Payments? Question.
Now you're back at the beginning of the Pension section again.
Repeat the above steps for the second one.
They should be added together and put on line 16. To check:
Go to My Account.
Go to Tools.
Go to View Tax Summary.
Go to Preview my 1040.