I have multiple retirement accounts comprised of pensions and 2 IRAs, one inherited and one mine. I have taken out more than the owed RMD amount from each IRA individually so it is unlike the problems being reported where it is not adding up the amounts withdrawn from multiple IRAs. In my case, it is handling this wrong on 2 separate IRAs when I have withdrawn from both more than was required for that specific RMD. In both IRAs, when I get to the screen asking for the RMD due Dec. 31, whatever value I enter, it immediately penalizes me and adds 25% of that to my tax owed, even though I have withdrawn more than that amount. For example, if I enter $100 into the RMD due field, it bumps up my taxes owed by $25. This happens for both IRAs.
I know I don't owe a penalty. If I enter 0 in the RMD due Dec. 31 field, it does not access a penalty which it shouldn't, but then the value in that field is wrong. I can do that but was hoping others might have run into this problem and have a better solution for me.