It is too late to fix it for your 2024 return. Since you had pre-tax funds from your 401k rollover in your traditional IRA now the pro-rata rule applies. This means that with each distribution/ conversion you will have a taxable and nontaxable part. You can see the remaining basis on line 14 of Form 8606, this basis can be carried forward.
The Backdoor Roth only works if all of your traditional/SEP/SIMPLE IRAs are empty. If you plan to use this strategy in the future you might want to think about a reverse rollover where you rollover IRA money to a company plan, like a 401(k). Only pre-tax funds can be rolled from an IRA to a company plan. Therefore, you would isolate the basis and could start the Backdoor Roth procedure fresh. But it only works if your employer allows it, not all plans do.
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