I'm using the Annualized Income method to eliminate the underpayment penalty Turbotax claims I owe. I converted a large amount of my IRA to a Roth in December, and made an estimated tax payment in the same month. During the Annualizing interview, it asks for Income for 3 periods: 1/1 to 3/31, 1/1 to 5/31 and 1/1 to 8/31. I don't understand the weird division into these time periods, but that's not my real issue.
I have several different investment accounts. I can (relatively) easily come up with dividends/ interest/ income for those time periods. However, on the next page it wants short-term, long-term, and qualified dividends for those same time periods. One of my accounts is 'tax-managed' to minimize capital gains. There are > 150 trades and dividends listed on that 1099. How do I go about getting this info? I could pull it into a spreadsheet if I could figure out how to get it out of either turbotax (because I imported it into there) or from my 1099 pdf from the financial company. For the record, for 2024 I have an overall capital gains/loss of $0 for the year, plus a $3000 capital loss deduction due to carryover loss of previous years. I don't understand having to enter all the numbers when my net is 0, or why I need to enter qualified dividends. I'll do it if it's necessary, I'm just hoping someone has an idea how to gather the info.