To enter your Form 1099-R from your WV State Employee Retirement System in TurboTax Online, please follow these steps:
- Sign in to your TurboTax account and open your return
- Select Federal from the side bar, then Wages and Income
- Scroll down and click on Retirement Plans and Social Security: 1099-R, IRA's, 401(k), early withdrawals
- Click on Start/Revisit next to IRA, 401(k) Pension Plan Withdrawals (1099-R)
- Answer Yes to Did you get a 1099-R in 2023? or Add another 1099-R
- Choose Change how I enter my form and then select Type it in myself
- Choose the first box, Financial Institution or Other Provider 1099-R
- Enter the 1099-R provider's info and click Continue
- Enter the information from your Form 1099-R and click Continue
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