Welcome back or welcome for the first time! We’re ready to discuss another fun and intriguing question. On this month's installment of #CommunityChatter we're continuing the fun and playing a little game of "Would You Rather"!
Making a decision between paying off student loan debt or credit card debt can be a tough one. It’s like choosing between two fun things, but in this case, it’s two not-so-fun things. However, we have to remember that we’re making a responsible decision when we are taking care of our finances and working towards a debt free future. It’s definitely something to be proud of. Whether you’re chipping away at student load debt or credit card debt, just know that you are making progress and taking steps towards a brighter future.
The conversation topic this months is: would you rather end student loan debt forever OR end credit card debt forever? If you had to pick between one of these which option would you pick? Let us know below by commenting below with the emoji 🎓 (cap) for ending student loan debt forever or 💳 (card) for ending credit card debit forever.
Our community team will also discuss this topic and what they believe would be the best for them!
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