I have had this problem with TurboTax for several years now. I finish my taxes and am ready to e-file, and--this year--TurboTax says there is a problem with two credit cards I tried to use to pay the $25 state e-filing fee. The problem is not with the credit card issuers; they inform me that TurboTax did not contact them to authorize a payment. My profile at TurboTax must have a software glitch that doen't accept my credit cards. Last year, after several calls and long waits, someone at TurboTax found an alternative way for me to pay the e-file state charge. Can you help me this year? If you won't accept perfectly good credit cards from me, please offer me an alternative way paying you to e-file my state (NH) return this year. And please try to fix your software so that I will not have this problem every year. It is quite frustrating. One way to fix it would be to offer a version of the desktop TurboTax software that includes "free" state e-filing as well as "free" federal e-filing.