I'm using TurboTax Deluxe on Mac OS, and I'm keep getting the error below:
F1040-526-03 - If 'PINTypeCd' in the Return Header has the value "Self-Select On-Line" and the filing status of the return is married filing jointly and Form 1040, [ 'SpecialProcessingLiteralCd' and 'CombatZoneCd' and 'SpecialProcessingCodeTxt' and 'SpouseDeathDt' ] do not have values, then 'SpouseBirthDt' in the Return Header must match the e-File database.
I double checked SSN and DOB, but all the information is correct. Also, I guess SSA will have the correct information as well because I had no issue e-filing last year (not using TurboTax).
It seems like it's a bug on TurboTax side. How should I fix this?