I understand how important it is to know when your refund will arrive, and I’d be happy to clarify how the Up to 5 Days Early refund works.
Up to 5 Days Early Refund Delivery applies when the IRS has processed and approved your refund and a date for direct deposit has been given. For example, if you go on the IRS website and the Direct Deposit is "scheduled" for "March 20th", that's when TurboTax Up to 5 Days Early Option kicks in; it is not based on an assumption of when it might be ready, but rather on the actual date provided by the IRS.
Once the IRS approves your refund, TurboTax is notified and it will attempt to transfer your funds to your bank account. You will receive an email letting you know if TurboTax was able to successfully deliver your refund early, or if we were unable to expedite your refund. If TurboTax is successfully able to deliver your refund early, you can expect to see your refund in their bank account the same day you received an email from us.
For more information click on the link below
Up to 5 Days Early Refund Delivery
You will receive a follow-up email with refund and timing update, and if any cancellation is applicable.
You can contact TurboTax Customer Support by clicking the link below
TurboTax Phone Number