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When you sign onto your online account and land on the Tax Home web page, scroll down and click on Add a state.
This will take you back to the 2018 online tax return.
The program then should take you back to the Tax Home web page.
Use this procedure for a Form 8962 requested by the IRS -
Only if the refund or owed amount has changed: Also include your Form 1040
Thanks, I got through the fist part and canceled my amendment. But on the 2nd part I got to #6 and went through the health insurance but it never asked me for the 1095-A. Says "That's all we need on your 2018 coverage.
After you have indicated that you had health care coverage in the Health Insurance section, the next screen lists plans where you would have received a Form 1095-A. You must answer YES to the question stated on the screen Were you enrolled in any of these less common plans in 2018? The following screen asks you to pick the plan you were enrolled in and one will specifically indicate for a Form 10895-A. You will then need to go through entering the tax data from the Form 1095-A that you received.
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