If you successfully filed a return last year and were due a refund, you will need to contact the IRS directly to inquire about what happened to your refund. When you file with TurboTax, once you have successfully filed that return, the IRS and/or state handles the processing of your returns and your refunds.
TurboTax is only the preparation software that you used to prepare the return and never handles any processing of the return or your refund. I will provide details below for who you can contact to see what may have happened to your refund.
If you did not get your federal refund, you will need to call the IRS tax refund hotline at 800-829-4477, Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Or, call the 24-hour assistance number at 800-829-1040 and request assistance from the taxpayer advocate. They will be able to tell you why you never received it. Also, there are some common reasons listed here below.
NOTE: If you never get a refund, it may have been intercepted to pay any of the following:
- state or federal taxes you owe
- a defaulted student, SBA, or other federal government loan
- delinquent child support
- a public benefit overpayment (such as HUD, VA, or Social Security).
In these situations, you are supposed to be notified in writing from the IRS.