2022 was one of the 8606 I did not submit. I put in 7000 on 2023 tax year 8606 form because a know I contributed 7000 for the 2022 tax year based on the 5498 I ...
Out of the last 25 years it looks like I failed to include an 8606 5 times. I have 5498 for all but 5 of those 25 years but in those years, I have an 8606. Prev...
Thank you for your reply. Looking at the years I did turn in the 8606, the basis is not correct because of the skipped years. So, I guess I have to do all 31 ye...
Follow up. My 401k does allow IRAs to be rolled in as long as they are labeled as Rollover IRAs which both of them are labeled as such because I rolled them out...
I also found thisn-14-54.pdf (irs.gov)which shows an example in section V of what I want to do. It has the after-tax going to a Roth IRA and the pre-tax going t...