@M-MTax@Mike9241@pkThanks all for the guidance. I will make it a capital contribution. I believe I should report this Form 1065 (Sch K-1). Is that correct?
@KrisD15That makes sense. Just to confirm, I don't have to report about this in the 2023 tax year.Most likely, I don't have to report even when I have to sell i...
@jtaxI am looking at RSA77:4 based on what is said in Line 277:4 What Taxable. –https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/V/77/77-4.htmIncome of the following d...
@jtaxI am well under the Business Profit Tax (BPT), so I don't have to pay state BPT taxes.Reading through the DP-10 instructions (page 3), It look like I will ...